RMOJ and Activity Level

There are a lot of radio stations in Japan. RMOJ(Radio Meteor Observation in Japan) reports their results every month. RMOJ mainly has results of Japanese stations. If you do, please send me your observed data. I am looking forward to receiving your results.
This page has also contents that are graph of Activity Level every month in the world. Although it was mainly Japanese observing stations until 2016, it is not only Japanese stations but also Europe, North America and South America sine 2017. Worldwide data were provided by Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin.

What is RMOJ ?

This content provides Introduction of RMOJ and how to report.

RMOJ as the Monthly Report

You can see RMOJ every month. RMOJ includes only Japanese observing stations. If you can see worldwide data, please check Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin.

Graphs of Activity Level every month

The activity level with using RMOJ monthly report is provided (combined graph and each observing site’s graph). Since 2017, it does not have only graphs at Japanese observing stations but also Europe, North America and South America. It therefore becomes possible to monitor metoer activity without a geographical infuluence.

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These contents including RMOJ have a copyright.
If you use, please read this content about a copyright.

Posted by h-ogawa