Major and Daytime Meteor Showers

It is very easy to see a lot of meteors. This page presents the information of major and daytime meteor showers. It is possible to see at night about major meteor showers. In the case of Daytime Meteor Showers, on the other hand, Radio Meteor Observation is the best method for observtions.

Major Meteor Showers

It is possible to observe in visual and radio observations. Following list is a part of major meteor showers. If you want to know more information, please check IMO Meteo Shower Calendar.

Daytime Meteor Showers

Radio Meteor Observation is the best method for daytime meteor showers. It is difficult to observe in Visual.

Results of Meteor Showers

You can see results of major meteor showers and daytime meteor showers with Radio Meteor Observations.
icon Results of Meteor Showers

Posted by h-ogawa