Results of Major and Daytime Meteor Showers

This page provides results of main meteor showers from Radio Meteor Observation. Some results are underconstructions. I am analyzing them now.
Monitoring results every month are provided this site “RMOJ".

Results of Major Meteor Showers

These results are mainly provided from Radio Meteor Observation.

Results of Daytime Meteor Showers

How to anlyze ?

Analyzed results are showen by the new index which is called “Activity Level". This content introduces what Activity Level is.
icon Under construction

Monthly Reports (RMOJ)

This project is also provided a monthly report(RMOJ) with Radio Meteor Observation in Japan. RMOJ mainly has data in Japan.
icon RMOJ(Monthly Reports)

Introduction of meteor showers

Althought this page provides only results of meteor showers, This content has introductions of main meteor showers including the time of maximum.
icon Introduction of meteor showers

Posted by h-ogawa