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Monthly Report in December 2021 (in Japan)

This page presents the monthly report in December 2021 by Japanese radio meteor observers. The activity level, results of meteor showers are reported on this site.


In December, Geminids and Ursids peaks were over. Geminids 2021 showed same activity level as annual year. A strong activity of Ursids 2021 was observed in the world. The peak time occurred at λʘ=270°.40 (December 22, 08h UT).

The Latest Information of Geminids 2021
The Latest Information of Ursids 2021
– [Meteor News] A Strong Activity of the Ursids in 2021 by Worldwide Radio Meteor Observations

Radio Meteor Observations report in Japan (RMOJ)

The report of Radio Meteor Observations in Japan was published as RMOJ No.242. Observers were as following.
Kenji Fujito, Hirofumi Sugimoto, Masaki Tsuboi, Hironobu Shida, Hirotaka Ohtsuka, Tomohiro Nakamura, Masaki Kano, Ikuhiro Yokoyama and Hiroshi Ogawa.

Activity Level in December 2021 by all Japanese Observing Stations


Posted by h-ogawa