Introduction of This Project
This project has provided analyzed data since 2001. We are mainly collecting and combining observed data in Japan. In the case of analyzes of meteor showers, worldwide data are analyzed.
In 2000, it was planed that one WWW-page collected obsereved results provided by radio meteor observations. In 2001, the Leonids project by radio meteor observers in 15 countries was planed. This project became global network for Radio Meteor Observers. This network monitored Leonids activity at all times, and provide information. The number of access to homepage was over several hundreds thousands. As a result of this network, the Leonids peak structure was become clear, and we are analyzing detail dust trail information and activity of parent comet.
After that, this network has been continued as AMRO-NET which mainly has observed data in Japan and analyzes major meteor showers using worldwide data.
In the World, Radio Meteor Observation Bulleting (RMOB) by Christian Steyaert is collecting worldwide radio meteor observations results. This project provides final results of major meteor showers using RMOB. The following image shows the position of this project.

- The catching of the whole activity of main meteor showers without influences of radiant elevation and wheather.
- The monitoring of the outburst or some unusual activity with using monthly report.
- The providing of the information of meteors
- Education
This project is open to worldwide observers that are interested in Radio Meteor Observation and Meteors. If you have, therefore, let’s participate in this project.
You do not need any registrations. If you have observed data, please send to RMOB or this project.
Programs of This Project (mainly)
Monthly Report (RMOJ)
Monthly report as RMOJ is published every month. Please send me counted data until 5th every month. RMOJ is published on the Web.
Monitoring of Main Meteor Shower Activity
The active structure of main meteor shower is analyzed by using worldwide data. This project sometime provides the LIVE and FLASH of it.
Since it is possible to do in daytime, Radio Meteor Observation is the one of best program for school education. It is possible to go to school and teach about Radio Meteor Observatin if you hope (only in Japan).
Secretariat of This Project
Hiroshi OGAWA (The Nippon Meteor Society)