The Result of April-Lyrids

Annual Variations

icon Annual Variation List

icon Annual Variation Graphs

Information (as following list)

Year source Comments (Time:UT)
2022 Worldwide The peak occurred at λ=32°.4 as same as last year.
2021 Worldwide no unusual activity. The peak occurred at λ=32°.4
2020 WorldWide Estimated peak time was later as λ=32°.6.
2019 WorldWide As same as 2018 Lyrid activity.
2018 WorldWide Estimated peak time was later.
2017 WorldWide Weaker activity.
2016 WorldWide no unusual activity.
2015 WorldWide Weaker activity. Estimated peak time was later as λ=32°.63.
2014 WorldWide Higher activity comparing with annual year.
2013 WorldWide Higher activity than annual year.
2012 WorldWide Sub peak was over arounnd solar longitude 32°.12.
2011 WorldWide Sub peak was obsereved around solar longitude 31°.97.
2010 WorldWide no unusual activity.
2009 WorldWide Sub peak was observed around Solar Longitude=32°.22.
2008 WorldWide no unusual activity.
2007 WorldWide no unusual activity.
2003 WorldWide The peak was unclear. (around 22nd 16h?)
2002 Misato Obs. The peak was 19:00-21:00 on 22nd with HR=42
2001 Misato Obs. The peak was 23:00 on 21st with HR=36
2000 Chigusa HS It seems that the peak was around 21:00 on 22nd with HR=20


Introduction and observing conditions are provided this content.

icon Introduction of Lyrids

Posted by h-ogawa