The Result of Daytime Sextantids

Sextantids shows activity around 27th September (λ=184°.3) by International Meteor Organization(IMO). Long term activity profile using Radio Meteor Observations (this project) caught this activity around λ=188°.8 (peak time was later than IMO data). On the other hand, however, estimated activity level (Activity Level=0.3) was weaker comparing with background level(background level = 0.0±0.4). Therefore it has a possibility to change estimated profile data.

Results of Sextantids every year

Year Source Result
2019 WorldWide Stronger activity around λ=187°.5 – 189°.
2018 WorldWide Activity level was same as annual year. The estimated peak was λ=188°.
2017 WorldWide Activity level was same as annual year. The estimated peak was λ=188°.5.
2016 WorldWide Weaker activity level than annual year. Activity profile was unclear.
2015 WorldWide Weak activity. Activity level was same as daily background activity.
2014 WorldWide The higher activity level around λ=188°.5.
2013 WorldWide The main activity was later, around λ=188°.5 – 190°.
2012 WorldWide Very weak activity. It was impossible to see the activity.
2011 WorldWide Activity Level was higher. The clear activity was around λ=187° – 189°.
2010 WorldWide Calculated data had a wide error-bars. Peak was around λ=187°.5 ?
2009 WorldWide The activity level was same as background activity. (λ=186°.8 ?)
2008 WorldWide Main activity was around λ=187°-190°. Activity level was same as annual.
2007 WorldWide Weaker activity. The peak was around λ=188°.5.
2006 WorldWide The activity was weak. Estimaetd peak activity was λ=188°.5. (not clear)
2005 WorldWide Higher activity level was observed around λ=188°.

Long Term Activity Profile

annual variation of 221 DSX

source Solar Longitude FWHM Peak Activity Level
2005-2019 188°.8 -2°.1 / +2°.2 0.3
2005-2015 189°.0 -2°.3 / +1°.8 0.3
2010-2019 189°.0 -2°.2 / +2°.2 0.3

Information of Daytime Sextantids

icon Introduction of Daytime Sextantids

Posted by h-ogawa