Results of Daytime Meteor Showers in May and June

This page provides rsults of daytime meteor showers in May and June. (Results of Arietids and ζ-Perseids is here…)

icon Northern ω-Cetids
icon Southern ω-Cetids
icon ε-Arietids
icon May Arietids
icon ο-Cetids
icon β-Taurids

Arietids and ζ-Perseids

Northern ω-Cetids

icon Result
Northern ω-Cetids peak is around solar longitude λ=47°.5. This peak time is lacated in decrease process of η-Aquariids. It is therefore difficult to see a clear activity. Although the activity level in 2014 increased around λ=47°.6 – 48°.0, it was uncertain.

icon Long Term Activity Profile (period for 2006-2020)
annual variation of 152NOC
icon Information : Introduction of Northern ω-Cetids

Southern ω-Cetids

icon Result
2019 Southern ω-Cetids activity increased around λ=49°.2~50°.0 (estimated peak time was around λ=49°.6). The activity in 2012 inreased too.
If long time activity profile separates two compornents, one compornent (Comp-A) is esteimated that peak time was around λ=45°. Another (Comp-B) has a possibility of this meteor shower. Comp-B has a peak time around λ=49°.5.

icon Long Term Activity Profile (period for 2006-2020)
annual variation of 153OCE
annual variation of 153OCE
Comp-B profile is following table.

source Peak Solar Longitude FWHM Peak Activity Level
2006-2019 λ=49°.5 -2°50 / +3°.0 0.3

icon Information : Introduction of Southern ω-Cetids


icon Result
Although some weak activities were observed in 2008, 2011, 2014 and 2017, they are too weak activity to say clear activities. If long time activity profile separates two compornents, one compornent (Comp-A) is esteimated that peak time was around λ=45°.5. Another (Comp-B) has a possibility of this meteor shower. Comp-B has a peak time around λ=48°.5. Since the estimated peak activity level was 0.1, however, it is difficult to separate ε-Arietids and usual activity.

icon Long Term Activity Profile (period for 2006-2020)
annual variation of 154DEA
annual variation of 154DEA
Comp-B profile is following table.

source Peak Solar Longitude FWHM Peak Activity Level
2006-2019 λ=48°.5 -2°.0 / +3°.0 0.1

icon Information : Introduction of ε-Arietids

May Arietids

icon Result
Although a peak time is around solar longitude λ=55°.5, a clear activity has not been observed since 2006.

icon Long Term Activity Profile (period for 2006-2020)
annual variation of 294DMA
icon Information : Introduction of May Arietids


icon Result
There was no clear activiy since 2006. Although the activity level in 2018 increased around λ=59°.6, it was too short peak period to say that it was caused by this meteor shower.

icon Long Term Activity Profile (period for 2006-2020)
annual variation of 293DCE
icon Information : Introduction of ο-Cetids


icon Result
Although a peak time is around solar longitude λ=96°.7, a clear activity has not been observed since 2006.

icon Long Term Activity Profile (period for 2006-2020)
annual variation of 173BTA
icon Information : Introduction of β-Taurids

Posted by h-ogawa