Monthly Report in June 2022 (in Japan)
This page presents the monthly report in June 2022 by Japanese radio meteor observers. The activity level, results of meteor showers are reported on this site.
June Daytime Meteor Showers
In June, daytime meteor showers showed a clear activity. In 2022, it was higher activity level than the average for the period of 2006-2021 (red line). On the other hand, however, there were a few long echoes. The following result was calculated by using worldwide radio meteor observatios.

Radio Meteor Observations report in Japan (RMOJ)
The report of Radio Meteor Observations in Japan was published as RMOJ No.248. Observers were as following.
Kenji Fujito, Hirofumi Sugimoto, Masaki Tsuboi, Hirotaka Ohtsuka, Norihiro Nakamura, Masaki Kano, and Hiroshi Ogawa.